
Friday, November 17, 2006

A Depressing Note

Posted by YC

I just found out yesterday that on average, there are seven (7) Malaysians who commits suicide every day. I had thought that this only happens to our neighbouring country, but apparently times are changing. Is life getting so unbearable that more people are resorting to the "shortcut" way of resolving matters?

It is rather disheartening, saddening and I wonder what had gone wrong. Was it pressure? Doesn't our education equip us enough with survival skills? Is a boy-girl relationship so heart-breaking that other people who actually do care for us doesn't really matter anyway?

Depression is very tempting. A person who suffers from it might not realize until it's too late for anyone to do anything. Some of us might have encountered friends who's suffering/once suffered from it. What can we do about it? Do we know enough about it to be able to recognize it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

7 i think are those that are reported but honestly, i reckon there's more than 7 that occur everyday.