
Saturday, February 09, 2008

CNY Resolution

It's kind of funny; I used to make New Year resolutions on the 31st Dec every year. For year 2007, I even went to the extent of putting it down on pen-and-paper (well, to be more specific, keyboard and Word file). However, on 31st Dec 2007, somehow I was not motivated to make any resolutions at all.

I thought that I had grown out of it.

Apparently it's not the case.

On the eve of CNY, the resolution bug strike again. I started to think of the resolutions I have made for 2007, what I've done in the year of the Pig, and what I would like to do in the year of the Rat. Of course, just like last year, I put it down using the keyboard and saved in a Word file.

Am I going to really work on these resolutions? I'm trying, because the resolutions I've made are things very basic, stuff close to heart, and actions which I need to take almost daily. At one point I wondered if I'm putting on too much pressure on myself by setting these targets, but I pray to God that He may guide me along the way, that I should always remember it's Him who determine the "to" and "not to".

So far, this CNY has been the one which triggers off most of my thinking cells, and at the very least, I have been posting quite regularly since CNY Day 1. Yep, the last line is about the resolution to start blogging again!

1 comment:

WOOT-ER said...

so what is the resolution?