
Monday, May 05, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I haven't been blogging for quite some time. It has been a busy month in April, what with the running around purchasing tour packages (and the follow up work required), deadlines at work, catching up with friends, reading this marvellous book and watching the Oprah Winfrey Show.

I wouldn't have been blogging if not for the statistics indicating that my #1 position might not be defended for long. I have to do something.

KY and I arrived in KL yesterday afternoon, greeted by Malaysian Hospitality (which I have learned to appreciate after being in China for 8 days) and the very warm weather (which I have learned to cherish after scratching my whole body and face for the past 8 days). I thank God for His many provisions, including the comfort that He has provided when I choked on a fishbone in Wuxi during the dinner. There was this type of fish in that area which is made up of millions of tiny little bones. The whole table (8 of them, excluding yours truly) was very supportive throughout the "ordeal", and all sorts of remedies was tried and tested. From swallowing one whole lump of rice (without chewing) to gulping down two tablespoons of vinegar, I am grateful that I was surrounded by people who cares, although the pain was not thaaaat bad.

Overall, it was a good and very much needed vacation. KY took 1000++ photos; he even took the picture of the sewerage cover on the street. If time permits, I'll be uploading some of the nicer pictures in the upcoming posts.

And oh, a comment on CC's post which precedes this one: I did mention something about being superficial but the "rrrrrrr" was exaggerated.

P.S. The photo above was taken from a website.

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