
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wedding . Marriage

A wedding is a celebration of a marriage. What does marriage symbolize then? Is the institution of marriage still relevant in this age and time?

Nowadays many couples choose to cohabit and to deny the sanctity of a marriage. The argument provided is that if a divorce can easily nullify the marriage, then the marriage is nothing but a piece of paper. Indeed, if the administrative counters for marriage and divorce is just next to each other in the government office, isn't the two literally just a step away from each other?

A marriage signifies the union of two individuals (strictly man and woman) who have decided to come together as one - to build one family, to have one vision, and to ultimately live as one.

When the married couple chooses to live their lives just the same as it has been before, then true enough, their marriage is nothing but a piece of paper. Marriage comes with commitments, responsibilities and a different set of priorities.

A marriage may not be beautiful and wonderful all the time and it may even comes with challenges and perhaps even heartaches. But what God has joined together, let men not separate.

As we come together to celebrate Chin Chung and Ru Fei's wedding, let us all remind ourselves of God's divine plan and our respective roles as His followers (if the term "disciple" is too intimidating).

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