
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Struggling with Patience

One of my major weaknesses is patience (the lack of), which of course, leads to lack of empathy towards the encounters of people around me. Since becoming a Christian, I have always consciously reminded myself on the fact that I have to be patient, because the bible says so. Therefore whenever I feel the hands of impatience creeping up behind me, I told it to stop and I ignored its presence. It's still there, but I ignored it.

Hence time and again it will come back. The most difficult part is I know its source, and I wish that I could run away from it. The character Joseph in the Old Testament teaches us that if anything or anyone causes us to sin, then we should run away from it. But what if I couldn't? Or what if running away causes more dissension than if I were to just keep on suppressing it?

It's unhealthy, I know. This weakness of mine has led to many of my other intentions to sin. Anger, absence of joy, frustration and sometimes self-righteousness which has prevented me from seeing things the way it should be seen. 
So how should I deal with it? As I'm writing this post, I realized that I have never prayed about it. I have never asked God for the strength to overcome. I wonder now, if I ask God for help, what would the Holy Spirit prompt me to do?

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