
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

And I'm leaving... on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again...

For the first time I will need to buy a one way ticket to a place. I thought the only time that would happen is when I die and hopefully won't be featured in Discovery Channel as one of those people who came back from the dead. But yeah, it's a new place and perhaps a new life. Sometimes it's hard to let go but life is full of parasite that tends to latch on to you unknowingly. Things just somehow have their own way to "get stuck" and almost always it gets stuck "on" you. So many things can get stuck and soon it built up into a nice comfortable comfort zone. So comforting that we will always spend all our time and resources feeding these "stucking" parasite. Leaving is always a challenge because you don't know for sure what will happen. Only 3 things in life you can be sure, death, tax and Jesus' gift of redemption... but moving to a new environment? Maybe Bear Grylls can do a show on "how to open up your eyes and start a new life in a new place", i think that would be useful especially in a place like Singapore. Or a "how to get to work on time without taking the mrt or bus during peak hour". Maybe he can share some insight how to make an instant flying fox trail and get me to my office from my condo. Or "how to stay in a nice place but not paying for it". Instead some of his recent shows were, how to survive in a freezer.... well, this is Malaysia, living in a freezer is a dream come through or the one of the show "how to save a person who catches on fire during bbq".... well, why bother? more food for everyone. Imagine BBQ roasted Sean's butt or Kevin's belly for dinner? Wouldn't that be nice?

Somehow God is asking me to put my trust in Him, probably something that I have slowly let go, it happens and I am glad to be called to trust in Him again. He loves me, so much, that He is asking me to put my job, family and life in His hands. This is what I am learning again from this "great migration". I don't know how long this lesson will last, but surely long enough to accomplish His will in my life.


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