
Saturday, April 02, 2011

Poco Poco, Pika Picu

It seems that nowadays a lot of things have elements of Christianity. A couple of months ago it was reported that Valentine's Day is a Christian celebration, when I laughed out loud at the suggestion because this "celebration of love" was not mentioned anywhere in the bible. And then, now this poco-poco dance has elements of Christianity because it's steps and movements trace the shape of the cross. Out of curiosity, I searched for videos on the dance and this one particular video has 800,837 hits as of the time of this post. Not surprisingly, a number of Malaysians commented in the post.

Since this dance purportedly has elements of Christianity, perhaps we should make this our home fellowship's official dance. So every time we meet, we'll start off with a poco-poco dance. This could help a few of us lose some weight too, I believe.

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