
Friday, April 01, 2011

Lack of CTRL

John 6:60-70

I worked as a computer technician long time ago. One day, my computer couldn't start and there was no display on the monitor. As a computer technician myself, i tried to fix it on my own. After troubleshooting the computer for about 1 hour i finally gave up because I cannot find the problem to it. Finally, I decided to call my colleague and told him about the problem. He told me that it was simple because one of the RAM was burned and that was the cause of it not running.

This reminds me, when I started my studies and ministries, there are times I felt lack of control in situations when I used my own understanding to solve problems. Thus, this lead to a dead end road and I do not know where else to go. But instead of feeling sorry and down, I know i can point to the One who can help and have the answers. Instead of controlling it myself, I let him take control.

Just like the passage from John 6, many disciples deserted Jesus because of the hard teaching that He taught and many do not understand because they are trying to understand it by their own physical down to earth knowledge. What Jesus is trying to teach is of the spiritual realm not physical. When Jesus asked His 12 Disciples, "Are you also going to leave?" (Jn 6:67). Peter was the only one who understood it and answered for the rest of the Disciples, "Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words of eternal life" (Jn 6:68).

A lot of times, we want to have control over things by ourselves and because of this we will always face more problem and end up in a dead end road. Jesus is the only one we can point to and give him the control especially when it seems that there are nowhere else to go to. He alone can bring us peace and hope in our times of need if we are willing to let go our control and let Him take control.

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