The Gospel of John is a very interesting gospel, while the other gospel uses facts and historical account of Jesus. John uses a lot of imageries to illustrate the Gospel.
One of the most interesting illustration of Jesus was the good shepherd. Like a shepherd, Jesus is concerned of the welfare and the care of His sheep. He didn't call himself
King Jesus, President Jesus, Mayor Jesus, Reverend, Deacon or Chairman. But He call himself a servant, a watchmen, a caretaker, a provider and a shepherd.
We are his people and the sheep of his pasture…
We depend on God, for everything…And just as a shepherd watches over his sheep…So does God watch over his children…
Being a shepherd is not an easy task like many who have imagined, it is a professional skill to look after sheep and often it is passed down from father to son. Just like what we know about sheep, they are not very bright animals compare to dogs, dolphin or parrots. A sheep do not know how to go look for food by its own, or even knows the way back to the sheep pen if its lost. that's why one of the parables of Jesus told us that the shepherd have to leave the 99 sheep and go look for the 1 lost sheep.
Don't you think we humans are like sheep as well? we always wander off by ourselves, thinking that we are our own masters, and we get ourselves lost, whether in career, relationships, finance or love life. we need the good shepherd to help us to direct us back to the abundant life that he promised to give us.
In this chapter, it illustrates to us that sheep knows the shepherd's voice and listen to him. How often we really listen to the voice of Jesus when we are in trouble? we always complain and murmur against God. remember the story about footprint? it should always be a reminder to us that when problem arises we need to heed to the voice of our Lord and know that he is carrying us through the time of difficulties. Thats why Jesus is described as a Good shepherd.
He loved us so much that he died on the cross for us.
He loved us so much that our sins become his burden.
He loved us so much that His righteousness became ours.
In the Old Testament the sheep dies for the shepherd, Now the Shepherd dies for His sheep.
Let's be a smart sheep that listen to the voice of our Shepherd.
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